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A Process-Improvement Way to Organizing Closets

Everyone is different in terms of what makes an organization process work most effectively for them. Take for example organizing your workspace at work. Some people may organize their desk one way to best fit their working style and processes, but the same desk layout would drive someone else crazy.

So if you view optimizing your closet as a “process improvement” exercise, then what are the various approaches that you want to have in your “process improvement” toolbox? Here are 4 process improvement approaches that we suggest you can apply to improving the usefulness of your closets: Increasing Easy Access; Maximizing Space Utilization; Streamlining; and Increasing Visibility. So let’s go through each one of these and give some examples.


“Increasing easy access” are the types of improvements that will make the process of getting things in and out of your closets much quicker. Some examples of these process improvement enablers include:


To maximize the space at the top of your closet, you can add shelves that go all the way to the ceiling, or you can place stacking boxes or hooks there too. Of course, the previously mentioned sturdy ladder will also come in handy here.

Regarding the middle of your closet, there are a number of things you can do to maximize the usable space in this area, and some examples include:

And for the bottom area of your closet, you can add a shoe shelf for storing shoes or handbags. Or you can add baskets or bins to fit under where your clothes are hanging.

Next, there are the wall spaces which may either be exposed, or can be behind where clothes are hanging. For exposed wall areas, you may be able to add a thin chest of drawers or an array of hooks. Or you can add hooks on the walls behind other clothes (but you might want this to be just for clothes which you don’t need to access very often).

And lastly, you can maximize space utilization by adding hooks or door hangers so that you can use the space behind your closet door.


Next, let’s look at “Streamlining” your closets. Streamlining involves changing the contents of your closets to make accessing what is there much easier.

Examples of streamlining include:


The last of the potential process improvements for your closet is “Increasing Visibility.” Examples of increasing visibility of the items in your closet include:

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