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Save on Energy

A great way to find ways to save energy around your home is to have a professional conduct a full energy audit and analysis of your house.

A detailed energy audit should be conducted by a trained professional, who has experience in evaluating how energy is used and can be conserved.

The types of things they should look at include:

Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of energy saving devices such as programmable thermostats, low-flow shower heads, water heater wrap kits, attic fans, etc.

Evaluate your appliances for cost-effective opportunities to replace them with higher-efficiency models.

Evaluate your insulation and windows for heat loss ratings.

Evaluate replacing light fixtures and light bulbs with higher efficiency types.

Develop recommendations for reducing operating costs such as reducing the temperature setting on your water heater, doing laundry during off-peak times, etc.

Use a 'blower door' and an infrared device to detect sources of heat and cooling losses around your home.

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